Sunday, November 9, 2008

My Major

Do you think international business is very popular in the world? Actually I think that is the main reason why I chose international business as my major. One reason is that many countries' businesses develop very fast. They need a lot of people who are good at business to help in their development. Secondly, international businesses can help people earn lots of money. Thirdly, international business can also make people think like economists.

There are many countries' businesses that are developing very fast, so they need a lot of people to join in their development. I would like to gain from that. In my hometown of Xiamen, our economy is increasing very quickly, but the government won't let the steps stop here. They still want to build more factories to help the city develop. On the other hand, now many people choose to trade with foreign companies because they could earn more money. That means people will have a better chance to develop economically if they are good at international business. Also, people could open their own business. If that is me, I will choose my business partners from other countries. For example, I believe I can make a lot of money if I could use my knowledge after a few years of practice. Third, I think international business could help me to better manage my business. If I have great knowledge about international business, I can have a hand in controlling my business in the best way possible.

International business could help people to earn lots of money. First, trade between different nations could really help people earn lots of money. Many economies are increasing quickly all over the world; international trade is unavoidable. If people are good at international business, they could earn lots of money. Second, if people are working in international companies, they could get paid well. For example, if people are working for Toyota, they could choose to work in different regional districts around the world. Someone from China like me could choose to work for the American district. Third, international business relates to stocks, in which one can make a lot of money. For example, if I am working for a company with a lot of stocks, I could use my knowledge to analyze them and know when it is good to buy and sell.

Finally, I think international business could help people think like economists. First, international business could change their thinking in different ways. People can learn that giving up something to get something later has its benefits. Second, people can develop a "special eye" on business, in which they know where they can earn more money. For example, people who are good at business know how to use their money. They usually see where they could put their money like buying real estate in a poor part of the country. Most people don't feel that it isn't profitable, but after a few years the government wants to develop that land, so it eventually becomes worth more than its cost. Also, the prices of real estate are increasing. and owners make a lot of money. Successful business men have this kind of "eye" on business; they know where to put their money.

Overall, I have given three ideas to explain why I want to major in international business. I think these days, it is a very good way to earn money. That is the reason international business is very popular, and that is why I am interested in it.

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