Wednesday, October 29, 2008


In contemporary society, our Earth is like a global village. With the development of technology, people can connect with others easily, and it promotes the connection between counties. Business also benefits from globalization. However it makes the world more complicated. Everyone fights for his own benefit. Globalization not only promotes the global economy but also frustrates it. The financial market, the labor market, and the product market are all affected by this trend.

Globalization gives the financial market a big surprise and brings the whole global finance together. Investors have more ways to invest their money, and it makes trading easier. Both sellers and buyers achieve benefit from it. However, if one country has a financial crisis, it will affect other countries, and if it is a big country, the effect will be greater. For example, between 1929 and 1933, we faced the most serious financial depression in history, which caused World War II and many other problems.

The labor market is also changing with globalization. It mobilizes the whole world's laborers work worldwide. Many kinds of people from various places get together to improve their own lives as well as the lives of others. However, some poor countries lose their skilled and talented workers to other countries, which causes rich countries to become richer more dynamic. In addition, some people lose their jobs in developed countries because their laborers are hired from other places because they work for less payment.

Under globalization, the product market changes at the same time. The whole world's products are traded together, which benefits developed and developing countries. Developing countries sell primary products and buy high-tech products from developed countries. Nevertheless, sometimes the trade is unfair to some developing countries because they are falling behind in technology. Moreover, trade barriers can also be found in some trades.

As we enjoy the advantages of globalization, we should also notice that there are some disadvantages that exist. The only way to live is to develop. If we want to protect ourselves, we should have great power other than having others pity us. In that case, globalization can be good for us. The world's trend is changing, and we must catch up with it.

The Pros and Cons of Euthanasia

Recently, I read an article from an international magazine discussing a very interesting topic, "Our Right to Die." The author makes an emotional appeal for legalizing euthanasia. She has been looking after her twelve year old son for five years since a doctor declared he was brain dead owing to a terrible car accident in 2002. However now she can no longer tolerate those chronic torments which she and her son encounter. Indeed her situation is really worth sympathizing but we can hear the opposite tone from religious groups because they have adequate reasons to support their position. Euthanasia, a highly controversial issue surrounding physician-assisted suicide and human rights, has been debated between advocates and protesters. There are some good and bad influences euthanasia can bring about.

First of all, human rights might be challenged. Supporters say, "Why don't we have the right to decide whether our own life is not worth living any longer?" and "Why can't our parents or relatives make this decision for us when we are probably enduring a severe physical or psychological injury?" Like the author's entreaty above, supporters all long for legalizing euthanasia because they believe that euthanasia allows people to die with dignity and it avoids needless suffering. Furthermore, they consider hospitals unable to continue providing satisfactory quality and treatment to sustain an ailment or injury that is untreatable. They may as well end patients' suffering to anticipate a miracle. In most countries, patients already have the right to refuse life-saving treatment. Therefore, many believe this same right should be extended to permit euthanasia.

On the other hand, anti-euthanasia activists argue that voluntary euthanasia leads to involuntary euthanasia because we cannot be sure of a patient's will to die if they are unconscious. In consequence, protesters are worried that people may be killed against their will by doctors. For example, the famous Jack "Dr. Death" Kevorkian furnished a person with the means to end his own life. At last, he was imprisoned due to being involved in several assisted suicides. After this monstrous event was exposed, some inferred that doctors would become numb to death and wouldn't do their best to save lives. In short, they think a doctors' calling is saving lives rather than assisting in suicide.

Moreover, today our society is still not able to construct a humane as well as scientific framework as to supply a perfect solution for euthanasia. For instance, choosing how to die, where to die and when to die can manifest the dignity, value, and comfort in our lives. Nonetheless harking back tow years to the period when my grandmother was laid up with intestinal cancer, she said, "I do not fear death but I fear the way death will come." At that time, I felt so sad and could not refrain from tears. Obviously she would like to die peacefully without any pain. Many people don't hope their lives will be completely in doctors' hands, especially after unconsciousness. Supporters argue most people cannot afford such a considerable medical service and many families end up in severe debt. Indirectly, it will cause partial medical resources to be wasted if patients only remain alive but there is not remedy to cure them.

Suffice it to say that based on supporters' and protester's arguments, they both agree life is valuable. In 1997, the state of Oregon legalized physician-assisted suicide. Afterwards, in 2002, euthanasia officially became legal in the Netherlands, making it the first country to approve euthanasia. Currently there are many countries debating whether or not to legalize euthanasia. I believe modern medicine can prolong life but this debate over euthanasia won't go away as long as it cannot do as much to maintain the quality of life.

Marketing and International Business as My Major

Nobody can picture the world without international business, especially the underdeveloped countries. For the United States, Latin America is the second "best friend" for business after Canada and Europe. The United States imports more than one thousand billion dollars of Latin American products per year. Since the Hispanic population in the United States is nearly 40 million people, now is a good time to increase the market of Hispanic products. There are different topics in international business that can help my business ideas to grow, like the massive number of Hispanics living on East Coast, who came to the United States to work but still have their roots in their home countries. Also there are passionate rules of international trade that I want to study.

I was in New York City just two months ago when I realized how big the Hispanic population in the United States was. I walked in some neighborhoods in New York, and I was shocked. It was almost the same as walking in any South American city. I saw several shops, restaurants, bars, and small businesses with a flag of some South American country on the door and words written in Spanish. Therefore this idea of bringing some products from Ecuador that can satisfy one or more needs of this huge population has been in my mind. Of course, the idea also made me very interested in how I can start this business.

Immigration nowadays is different compared to immigration a hundred years ago when people from Europe came to the United States. The European immigrants left everything behind, and it was hard to know what was happening back in Europe. Now it is different with telephones, the Internet, and television. People can know what is happening at the same time. That means these new waves of immigrants are better connected with their own people. Therefore any product that can remind them of their home country will be a success. My idea is to export some products from Ecuador that immigrants cannot find here in the United States.

Politics and trade between Ecuador and the United States are the main problems that I am going to face. This is something that I have to study deeply to avoid many problems. The United States is clear about their immigration laws. I have to focus my idea deeply in quality and completely satisfy the standards of the United States. For example, for any flower importation, the United States asks it to be one hundred percent free of bacteria or any other invasive element. Another example is the food market. There are many companies in Ecuador that can satisfy the American requirements. Some of them also have international awards for cleanliness, attractive packaging, good handling, freshness, and high quality raw materials.

Forty million people are a market that can be approached after thorough study of their needs. If in the future the products that I want to import are accepted by at least one percent of those forty million people, my broad idea of business will be a success.

A Comparison Between Keelung and La Crosse

Have you ever imagined what is similar and different between two places you've lived? I left my hometown, Keelung, Taiwan, for the first time to study for my master's degree in La Crosse. These different cities give me many impressions and bring me various viewpoints. I think that the differences between La Crosse and Keelung can be approached from several angles. Both of these places have similar and different public transportation systems, climate, and quiet environments. All of these give me a rewarding life in La Crosse and in Keelung.

First of all, Keelung has a much more convenient public transportation system than La Crosse. The public transportation system is very important in the city because people can easily use it at any time. For example, Keelung has many modes of public transport such as the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), buses, trains, and many taxis which can be used without an appointment in advance. Several months ago, I wanted to go shopping with my friends in the evening. We had many ways to arrive at the department store, and we could take the MRT, a bus, or a taxi, so it was very convenient for us even until midnight. We could enjoy our time shopping without worrying about not have a personal vehicle to go home. On the contrary, La Crosse has a less public transportation system. For buses, taxis, and trains, appointments are required. For example, I went to the Valley View Mall with my classmates last weekend. We had to plan a schedule of buses in advance and write a shopping list before shopping. It reduced our enthusiasm for shopping because it was not convenient for us. Therefore, I think that Keelung has a much more convenient public transportation system than La Crosse.

Second, the weather is very different between Keelung and La Crosse. Keelung has warmer weather than La Crosse. I need to accept unexpected weather such as chilly days. For example, Keelung is in a subtropical zone, so all four seasons are also much warmer than those in La Crosse. Even though the season is cold in Keelung, the temperature is not under sixty degrees Fahrenheit. The humidity is not too dry, and the people look younger. On the contrary, La Crosse has a long snowing season in the winter, and I have to overcome the challenges of winter, such as going to classes while it snows. Because the snow sometimes melts, I can easily slip on it when it refreezes. Also, last winter was very dangerous because the ice and snow could easily cause traffic accidents. Hence, I think that Keelung has better weather than La Crosse.

Third, Keelung and La Crosse have similar living environments. These two cities have good public safety, and people abide by the law. For example, last year I discovered that the windows didn't have grills, and people did not lock the door when they went out because the city was very safe. Keelung has the same circumstances. In addition, police officers also patrol around every community frequently. Regarding mail delivery, the postal worker can put packages in front of the house, and no one would steal the packages. This situation is the same in Keelung. There are also few thefts in both cities. Consequently, I think that Keelung and La Crosse have a similar quiet and safe environment.

In summary, I think that Keelung and La Crosse has similar and different points, such as the public transportation system, the climate, and the environment. Although La Crosse has less public transportation, I will have much time to travel around this beautiful city. I can research and experience many amazing trips. Even though La Crosse has chilly weather in the winter, I can enjoy this unusual view of snow, which is like living in a Christmas card. Therefore, I firmly believe that Keelung and La Crosse have many similar and different circumstances, but both are good for one's lifestyle.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Homework for Thursday

Read Chapters 35-36
On a separate sheet of paper, write your answers to the following activities in complete sentences:
  • Activity on pages 493-494
  • Activity on page 496
  • Activity on page 497
  • Activity on page 500
  • Activity on page 501